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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Minn Registration for subs

That is correct -
Registration (Numbers and validation decal) are required on all motorized and non-motorized 9 feet or longer in MN. Boats 16 feet and longer must also be titled.

The US Coast Guard sets the regs nationwide as far as how the numbers and letters are to be displayed that all states are required to follow. They also mandate the colors and size of the validation decals. 

In all states, the numbers  must be on the forward half of the boat port and starboard sides and a minimum of 3" letters. They must also be of a contrasting color to that of the hull. 

Since there are few water patrol officers equipped with submersible patrol craft, as long as your numbers are visible when you are surfaced should be sufficient.

Tim Smalley 
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Information Officer Boat and Water Safety Section

>From: David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net>
>Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 23:15:23 -0500
>To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
>Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Registration (was: An "objection" to psubs)
>At 12:26 -0400 09/10/01, Michael B. Holt wrote:
>>I called Virginia's Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, which
>>handles boat registrations.  Boat are registered here if they are
>>over 16 feet or powered.  They told me that there was no special
>>category for submarines.
>16 FEET? In Minnesota, the owner of anything over *9* feet or powered has to pay a fee and plaster stickers on the hull -- including 3" numbers in the case of powered, which I think includes even very slow vessels, say a canoe with a trolling motor. (I've mused before that the very explicit instructions on the back, on just exactly where and how to put that sticker, on a sub, would make them be underwater all the time...)
>(I know about the 9 feet because I have a sailboat that's like 8 1/2 feet...)
>buchner@wcta.net - MN, USA