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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] An "objection" to psubs

At 16:26 -0500 09/10/01, Greg Snyder wrote:
>I DO hope you try to bring the sub to the US someday.
>I'll be glad to contribute $500.00 for gasoline costs....

Yikes; please don't contribute gasoline. His diesels won't like it.

And to Carsten:

>I hate questions about :
>Submarine and goverment,
>Submarine and insurance,
>Submarine and licence.
>Most people here in Germany ask me first this questions,
>I am to tired to answer.

Indeed it is sad that this angle is all many folks seem to be able to come up with to talk about. It's as if that's the only way they can relate to an interesting but off-beat topic...

>I will rise the biggest white flag....
>Hope that help to prevent to scuttled the sub by your goverment, coast
>guard, police, FBI, CIA or some of the other guys THAT WORK FOR YOU ..

Hmm... Please remind them that they work for me. I'd call them off if I could, just for you, but I don't think they'd listen.

buchner@wcta.net - MN, USA