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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Talking to the press

Sounds like a very benign interview John. Be sure to post it and any photos
if you can.
Tim S
Apple Valley, MN
----- Original Message -----
From: "John R. Farrington" <jrf@austin.ibm.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Talking to the press

> We just finished the interview a few minutes ago.  Louise
> was very cordial, and the interview was very relaxed.
> Here's a general run-down of some of the questions:
> Why build a submarine?
> How did you get interested in subs?
> What are you going to do with it?
> Did you have trouble finding suppliers for the metal?
> What plans are available?
> What type of tools are required to build a sub?
> Is this a growing 'fad'?
> How do the occupants sit inside of it?
> Are either Monica or myself going to be claustrophobic inside of it?
> Have we ever built anything like this before?
> What color are you going to paint it?
> etc.
> I think that I conveyed successfully that we have researched
> psubs, exchanged thoughts with some very knowledgeable people,
> are building our sub according to a proven design, the
> Kittredge plans, and are really trying to build a safe sub.
> She asked if there was anything that I wanted to add, so I
> asked that she make sure and mention the psubs.org website
> because that is really *the* place to be if you're interested
> in psubs.
> Hope I did well!
> -John