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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: the grill

On Thu, 6 Sep 2001 09:38:45 -0500, David Buchner wrote:

>At 12:30 -0700 09/04/01, Sean T. Stevenson wrote:
>>Not propane - natural gas (CH4).  Simple combustion of CH4 produces H20 and C02, which can be subsequently removed by your dehumidifier and scrubber, respectively.  The problem is the
>>hydrocarbons that are created by your food burning.  A fume hood that goes through a charcoal filter / catalytic converter would be in order, and you also might want A/C in your sub to counteract 
>>heat buildup created by the grill.
>So what does propane give off when combusted?
>buchner@wcta.net - MN, USA

Ideally, propane will produce the same products of combustion as methane, but I think there exists the possibility of intermediate unsaturated hydrocarbons if the reaction does not go to completion.
