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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: the grill

Not propane - natural gas (CH4).  Simple combustion of CH4 produces H20 and C02, which can be subsequently removed by your dehumidifier and scrubber, respectively.  The problem is the 
hydrocarbons that are created by your food burning.  A fume hood that goes through a charcoal filter / catalytic converter would be in order, and you also might want A/C in your sub to counteract the 
heat buildup created by the grill.

Give me barbecue or give me death.


On Tue, 04 Sep 2001 15:04:56 -0400, Michael B. Holt wrote:

>Floridarobots@aol.com wrote:
>> Any one know how to put a grill in your PSUB ?
>> (kiddin)  haha
>So how do we put a stove in the boat?  I'm not at all certain
>I want a propane stove on board ....  I guess we'll all have
>to eat granola bars.
>Or something.  What do you plan to do, Carsten? 
>I'll think about this for a while.