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The A/C dehumidifies the air, which would intuitively be better for your electronics and contribute less to the "sweat" on the interior of your hull, provided you collect the condensed moisture in the A/C unit. Reheating the air downstream of the A/C unit would make for an even drier environment.


--Original Message Text---
From: Alec Smyth
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2001 15:10:31 -0400

While we're on the topic of toilets and grills, there's something I've puzzled about for a while; subs with air conditioning. Over the years I've seen a number of subs written up as having air conditioning, especially tourist subs. Surely this is only needed on the surface, if at all? I can't help think it might just be something the tour operators feel is mandatory in a brochure. Sort of like the hotels with impossible swimming pools built tight next to a roaring, stinky highway.

Is there any "real" need for AC?

- Alec