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Hi Shin and Mike, I calculate the launching for the 07.07.2004 early 
in the morning during high tide on the river Weser (just 40 m / 130 feet 
behind the yard-hangar) with a small tolerance of +/- one or two years..
I will send a message to the group some weeks before. 

Hi Ray, you are right "Boat of the year" should be a boat with 
did his first dive in this year - In think it should be Dale's sub..
It would be a nice idear to mark them on the Psubs Picture Gallery 
main page with a "Boat of the Year" sign instead a "new"  sign.. 
But we should decide this - at the end of the year. 

Jonathan, Dale and Greg thank you for the words .. but the real work
is still waiting... The steel work is much of the heavy material and
the progress is good visible - and the main cylinder including the
and the endcap weld will be done next year by a boiler company - but the
outfitting witch has just early started needs more hours and works.
The only good thing on the outfitting stage is that the parts are not 
so hell heavy .. and the bad thing is that the progress is not so good

Bill - good progress - the window idear is nice.. Speed up and you 
will get the "Boat of the year" sign.. 

But I hope some of the guys still listing and see what is happend on
page will be start somedays with their own - maybe smaller - projects. 

And all what you will see if I sail in some years out of the harbour
will be a acrylic mast of 4 inch diamter maybe 5-8 inch above the
contains a GPS reciver and a videocamera. But as a real psuber you maybe
manage to get on the place were the monitor is - which is conected with

see you - Carsten

"Michael B. Holt" schrieb:
> Mad Pirate Shin wrote:
> >
> >   Oh my word, your sub is going to be big.  If you don't mind an Otaku
> > watching on, I'll come to Germany for the christening.  Give me a date
> > 3 months in advance and I'll be there.  It would be worth the ticket
> > price just to see your face as you sail out of the harbor.
> Good idea.  When, Carsten, do you expect to launch?
> Mike