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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Blowing ballast (was: question about general design?)

Lew Clayman wrote:
> > > how much volume it takes to equal a chunk of lead the size of a shoe box.
> Roughly speaking, based on the above, a hunk of granite the size of
> a small headstone... in effect it *is* a small headstone, come to
> think of it.  Bad mojo!

I cna get small headstones.  I live four doors from a stone-cutter.
There's a placeb where they discard their damaged work, and the 
locals are permitted to collect it (we use it in our gardens).
Right now there's one with a name, dates and some scrollwork,
about 3x2x2 feet, in granite.

It would be mind-numbing to find a tombstone neatly placed on 
the bottom.  But the stone would be small and dense.
