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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Stiffener question

On Sun, 26 Aug 2001, Ed Greany wrote:

> That's exactly why I suggested the yahoogroups list at
> PSubs@yahoogroups.com. It can hold the database forever if desired and
> no need to fill your computer hard drive with additional files. Let the
> YahooGroups server hold them for us. It is available and online right
> now for your use. You will have to subscribe to Yahoo and get an ID but
> it is free and no spam as a result. Just send a message to:
> PSubs-subscribe@yahoogroups.com and if you need help, I'll be happy to
> assist.

	I would also like to point out that YahooGroups allows you to
upload files to a files area for other people to grab, so people wouldn't
have to send them to the list.
