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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Schools (was: Blowing ballast)

School systems are scared of their own shadown these days. I wouldn't bet on it. Vance
In a message dated Tue, 14 Aug 2001  4:11:29 PM Eastern Daylight Time, "Michael B. Holt" <mholt@richmond.edu> writes:

> VBra676539@aol.com wrote:
> > 
> > I might sign up for that one myself. Probably get roped into
> > teaching, but it would be fun either way.
> I'm on the verge of suggesting to a local church that they let
> me teach the local hooldums how to build canoes, but building
> a submarine would really get them off the street!  And probably
> into my house ....
> Seriously, though, would any school system release middle
> school or high school kids to at least watch a psub under
> construction?  If there's interest, it might be a good
> source of cheap labor and maybe some parts.
> Not that I want to deal with liability ...  That aspect of
> canoes is daunting enough.
> Mike