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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] List Proposal

--- Jonathan Wallace <psml@whoweb.com> wrote:
> I don't know how the change would impact those who might not have as
> readily availability to the web as they might have to email.  So what is
> the general consensus?

If email still works, then it sounds like a great idea.

I like the email approach for many reasons.  Yahoogroups at http://groups.yahoo.com does a similar
thing, provides a file posting resource, message archive, and email-based communications as well
as web-based.  Also requires a free signup.  Works well on several other groups I play at.

No doubt there are competitor services, but I don't know of them.


"Yo no soy marinero / Soy capitan"
          - Traditional Mexican Lyric (La Bamba)

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