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The big problem about diving in gin is keeping the glass from slopping over when you jump. And yeah, we've got some clear water around here sometimes. I've seen 200 feet off Palm Beach (I got witnesses) and George Bezak once saw the ship in detail from 430 feet off Andros. He doesn't take drugs, either, so I gots to believe him on that one. I've had enough light penetration at 2000 feet to read a newspaper (if you squinch your eyes up just right) but those are mighty rare occasions, I can tell you.
In a message dated Tue, 14 Aug 2001  9:04:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time, David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net> writes:

> At 17:17 +0000 08/13/01, Captain Nemo wrote:
> >Talk about clear, I'm thinking the Bahamas, Caicos, Roatan Honduras; looks
> >like diving in gin.  Wouldn't be surprised if you've worked all those places
> >already, too.
> Mmmm, diving in gin...
> -- 
> David
> buchner@wcta.net - MN, USA