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Hi Vance,

Well, I meant that in the affirmative, like "Hey!  That's pretty good!!!"

And yeah, the vis is usually alright; but get close to shore when the surge
is up and it drops down to 10 feet sometimes.  But no problemo: when that
happens we go surfin' instead!  ;-)

Talk about clear, I'm thinking the Bahamas, Caicos, Roatan Honduras; looks
like diving in gin.  Wouldn't be surprised if you've worked all those places
already, too.

Found the HELLEPHONE base set on eBay; the divercom side of it was a gift
from Phil.  "His Deepness" had an extra one in the collection and turned me
on to it.  How 'bout that guy; pretty cool, huh?   (Again, in the

Gonna put it in the sub to talk to the dive support and camera crew.  Also
got a PA to pump music (theme from 20,000 Leagues), sound effects (a
recorded jet turbine whine to simulate the sound of the Nautilus on the
attack) or voice (Uh, you there in the Zodiac boat; ya might wanna watch out
for the saw teeth; they're sharp!) out into the air, or acoustically into
the water.  Also taking a tip from Dale and gonna carry one of those little
Motorola handy-talkies, which (from his SNOOPY test videos) seem to work
well for sub-to-crew communications on the surface, and maybe even a foot or
two underwater.

With all that chit-chat, we ought to REALLY be able get things confused!

BTW: how's yer sub, bub?  Gonna dunk her at all this year?  If so, TAKE
VIDEO!!!!!  Come to think of it, shoot some footage even if it's just
sitting on the trailer.  I'd like to see it.



----- Original Message -----
From: <VBra676539@aol.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 8:26 AM

> Pat,
> Pretty clear water? Jeez. The central Pacific has the least turbidity of
> piece of water on earth. If that's just pretty clear then you've got some
> high standards, my boy. Where did you get the Hellephone? I thought those
> guys were outta bizness.
> Vance