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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] damage control/ was Center of gravity Vs. Center of Bouya...

In a message dated 8/13/2001 5:48:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
lew_clayman@yahoo.com writes:

<< Re damage control, it is recommended practice on surface boats to have a 
wooden plug hanging by  a
 cord from every through-hull.  In the worst case, you pound it in.
 To what depth is this a realistic option? >>
Hmmm. A friend of mine was able to use a US Keds and lots of let pressure to 
cover a 1 inch penetration in PC-8 at about 15 feet. He had to keep the 
muscles tensed until they could reattach the crane and get the thing out of 
the water. Said he purely was tired of being a Dutch Boy by the time it was 