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Matt Cadieux wrote:
> Maybe I am thinking about this wrong but in my mind a round sub that you
> would roll around in would not work. It would have to be perfectly round on
> the outside sice any gear on the outside wou ld ruin the perfict ball and
> get caught on things or smashed. which means that all equipment/gear would
> have to be on the inside, but the same principles apply to the inside, the
> inside would have to be perfectly round to so you could walk around, so any
> gear on the outside would be rolling around on, and any gear on the inside
> you would be tripping over. There is probably away around this but I can't
> see it.
All good points. I came to the same conclusions, but in the best
spirit fo sceintific inquiry (or is that "enquiry"?), I ignored
them. Well, what I did was to assume that the basll would not
just roll randomly but would have an axis inside. An axle would
cross the hull at some point, defining the directions. All the
gear would hang, on a swinging platform, from that axle.
> The way I am picturing it I took a hamsters ball. Imagined being
> inside and running around. (Was a scary though) If you add anything to the
> outside the ball is no longer round and anything on the inside you would
> have to run and jump over and that would be difficult. The only way I can
> see to solve the problem was if all the gear is suspended so you would have
> the ball with a metal axel through it and everything would be on that. This
> way when the ball rolled everything would say right side up. Probably with
> this is that you could only go one direction.
Great minds, etc. I should have read your entire message.
> To me can't see how it would
> work, But don't let me stop you from trying there is probably a way to do it
> that I'm not thinking about. Another thing i just thought of is that
> everything would have to be dirctly in the center if any weight was near the
> outside then the ball would automatically roll so that the heavyest weight
> is on the ground. That means that you have to be able to lift this weight.
> Now your talking rolling the ball around plus lifting the weight then when
> it came down you would get a burst of speed that if you weren't read for
> would trip you up.
Yeah, that's all valid points. No one said it would be easy.
> To me if you can get by everything i said then great,
> and i hope you can But just remember your gonna need alot of leg work.
Good legs are their own reward.