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That was good thinking. How about instead of running. You drive it by pedal
power I don't know if Sarah is bent on running around the ocean floor but I
think biking would be pretty cool to. another god thing about pedal power is
that you could set up a gear system like on a bike and depending on the
amount of sand/rock you could gear it for easy pedaling.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean T. Stevenson" <ststev@uniserve.com>
To: "Matt Cadieux" <compkid15@earthlink.net>;
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] sub
> No layer of water required. Just stand the outer spherical shell off with
rotating castors, positioned so as to constrain the outer sphere's
translation in three axes. Make the inner workings' center of
> mass lower than the center of the outer sphere, so that the operator sits
low within the sphere and is always upright. Drive the outer sphere with a
single traction wheel which can be rotated to
> initiate movement in any direction. The outer sphere just needs to be
designed to have some traction against the seafloor, impact protection, and
still provide viewing capability.
> -Sean
> On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 17:49:03 -0700, Matt Cadieux wrote:
> >Building something like that is great the problem is you can't move the
> >outer ball from the inside since there has to be a layer of water between
> >the two the other problem is that you would have to climb inside the
> >ball then have the space in-between filled with water while something is
> >holding the inside ball center that in itself could be very difficult. If
> >you could create something like that and have something else push the
> >then it might work but as for powering it from the inside with your feet.
> >In my opinion it isn't possible. But then again anything is possible so
> >don't let anything me or anyone else say stop you from trying. There is
> >good quote that I follow "He who says it cannot be done should not stand
> >the way of those doing it !" Maybe try coming up with a scale model and
> >maybe you can figure out a way of doing it. Just because any of us say
> >can't be done doesn't mean were right. No offense to any of you :) I am
> >starting my scale model tonight so i will send some picks so you guys can
> >pick apart my desigh hehe sounds like fun.
> >
> > Well Good Luck Sarah and never give
> >
> >Matt Cadieux
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Sarah Peck" <sarahpeck71@hotmail.com>
> >To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> >Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 2:37 PM
> >Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] sub
> >
> >
> >> ok. i guess i was also thinking along the lines of those children's
> >> that are usually eyeballs. you put them in your hand and the eyeball
> >always
> >> remains facing upright so it doesn't matter so much about what is going
> >> in the inside of it, but you can move the outside ball around in your
> >hand.
> >> (There is that water layer between both balls) I don't know how that
> >> translate to the submarine... if it could somehow. -sarah