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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] spherical axxproximation

--- "Sean T. Stevenson" <ststev@uniserve.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 15:08:48 -0700 (PDT), Lew Clayman wrote:
> >PS I am very embarassed to mention this, but if anyone out there knows what D&D dice look like,
> >then you know these five shapes.
> Lew, my younger brother plays, and owns a 100 sided die.  What shape is this?

Didn't have those in my day, we used 2 20's specially painted and... oh never mind.  That was back
when we still had to use real dragons.

Anyway, all the sides and angles can't be exactly the same on a 100.  Probably it's a 20, with
each of the 20 somehow divvied up into 5 to make 100.  Kinda like EPCOT.  But that's just a guess.


"Yo no soy marinero / Soy capitan"
          - Traditional Mexican Lyric (La Bamba)

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