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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Comic Book Sub Ad on web site

Hi Alan,

Was it just a box with the image of a sub on it or was it actually tapered
into somewhat of a sub shape?

How did you get in? Tip it up and climb in underneath or lift the sail up
and climb in from the top?

Were the seats cardboard too?

Was the bottom open so you could pilot, i.e. walk, it around the house?

How many bow torpedo tubes? Four? 

Did the torpedo tubes have a catch/trigger mechanism holding the torpedoes
until firing time?

Could you load the tubes from inside? Or did you push them in from outside?

How many rocket tubes?

Was the torpedo and rocket tubes and projectile the same design just
painted differently?

Was the periscope anything more then two mirrors at two ends of a carboard

Looks like the backseater didn't have a window. What did he do?

What was on the instrument panel for both the front and back seaters?

Did any of the control surfaces move? What did the steering wheels control?

The ad says it was over seven feet long. I assume that is seven feet and a 
few inches. How about the width? Height of hull? Height of conning tower?

Did the periscope fold out of the way of lift up or did the front seater
always have it in his face?


P.S. I will add your descriptions to the picture on the web site. Do you
     want me to credit your name or are you too embarrassed? :)

> Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2001 23:26:54 -0400
> From: Al Secor <wreckdiver@usadatanet.net>
> X-Accept-Language: en
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Comic Book Sub Ad on web site
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> OK guys....here's the scoop.  Yes, I fell for the ad and actually
> ordered one as a kid with his hard earned money from selling seeds and
> greeting cards ;-).
> If you read the ad closely it says it's made out of 200 lb test
> fibreboard.  This is a fancy term for cardboard!  It was nothing more
> than a glorified cardboard box painted to look like a sub.  The rockets
> and torpedoes were plastic and were launched from a cardboard tube with
> rubber bands.  The "electrically lit instrument panel" was nothing more
> than 1 or 2 bulbs powered off a D-cell battery.  The picture in the ad
> looks NOTHING like what they actually shipped you.  Also, after getting
> in and out of the thing a couple of times, the thing started to fall
> apart.  My parents tried to talk me out of buying it but I was convinced
> I needed it.  If anyone wants more info, I'll try to supply it but
> there's not much more to add.  Sorry, but I don't have any real photos
> of the thing.
> Now what I'd really like to see is a comic ad for a sweepstakes to win a
> spaceship mockup that kids could go in and become "make believe
> astronauts".  This wasn't the same as the equivalent ad for the sub but
> a bonafide sweepstakes sponsored by Kraft foods if I remember.
> Oh well, enough nostalgia for now....smooth sailing.  BTW, I'm headed
> for Boston and surrounding locations soon and would like to know if
> anyone knows if Woods Hole offers any public tours.  Would sure like to
> check out Alvin if it's in port.
> Al
> Ray Keefer wrote:
> > 
> > Hmm,
> > 
> > In order of priority I would like to find:
> > 
> > 1. The company or employees
> > 2. Find one of the subs
> > 3. Detailed plans, drawing or sketches
> > 4. Find someone that actually got one to play with
> > 5. Any other details....
> > 
> > Sounds like a neato item to add to the PSUBS franchise catalog.
> > What kid wouldn't want this own PSUB for Christmas!
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Ray
> > 
> > > From: MFJudge@aol.com
> > > Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2001 16:09:39 EDT
> > > Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Comic Book Sub Ad on web site
> > > To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> > > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> > >
> > > I tried to find the company, but they are long gone...
> > >
> > > Matt
> -- 
> Al Secor  ARS: WA3PWX  Scuba Instructor SSI DCSI 5528
> http://www.geocities.com/SubDiverI