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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Computer question: PostScript format conversions?

I see your delima. It didn't work for me either. Sorry. I don't know the


Michael B. Holt wrote:
> Ed Greany wrote:
> >
> > I don't know Mike. I didn't seem to find that problem. They all came up
> > in a html format for me. Which links specifically did you have a problem
> > with. I'll try those for you.
> Thanks.  Good luck.
> The .ps links follow:
> http://www.princeton.edu/~naomi/scl96.html
> http://www.princeton.edu/~naomi/tr2048.html
> If you try to download, it arrives NOT as .html but as .ps.  Or
> it did so last night and this morning.  I cannot get these addresses
> to show me the file on line.
> I was able to download Cdr. Knowles' 83 page Masters thesis. It
> arrived as a Acrobat file (.pdf).
> Mike