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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Is the logo final?

Hi James,

> From: "James" <james@whototake.com>
> To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Is the logo final?
> Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 21:13:08 -0700
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>     Hi guys, I was just wondering if the logo that is on the front page is
> the final logo?  

I would say it is final for at least a year or two. I certainly have no
plans for changes and believe it or not the discussion group has stopped
griping about it. So I'll take that as a tacit approval.

> A friend of mine has pretty much a small silk screening
> shop in his garage and I would like to make a shirt or jacket or something.
> Is this O.K. Ray?  

You have my permission to have t-shirts made with the PSUB logo.
Make a fortune at it and I'll ask for my cut. :)

>I don't want to step on anyones toes by making myself a
> shirt but I would like to have one.  Personally I would like a silk screened
> shirt rather than an embroidered one, but that's just me.

Either way. Find out the costs for 1 XL, 6 L  and 1 S. We can combine our
order and maybe get a price break. Find the pricing and I'll send you
a check. So along with pricing send me you address.

First specifically what are you thinking of? I imaging something like:

	navy blue shirt
	Logo on left breast about 4" x 3" in size

>     Also on a side note, my uncle is the Vice President of Finance for the
> Ritz Carlton in New York as well as some surrounding states and I shot him
> an e-mail about possible convention costs etc..  He just transfered to New
> York from Northern California so most of his contacts are in California.
> Was the reason Vancouver chosen because it is the most centrally located and
> had the most sites to see?  

Vancouver, Canada was picked because it seemed to be the hot bed for
Canadian submersible developement. Phil Nuytten is up there and
International VentureCraft Corp (SportSub) is nearby. Amoung others.

> Anyway, he worked for the Hilton for a while
> also and so he has quite a few hotel connections but in order for me to help
> with the contacts and rooms and things, it would have to be in Southern
> California.  Some information he would need to figure the cost was how many
> attendants there would be?  Would there need to be servers for food and
> drink, or would everyone bring their own food and drinks?  Would there be
> just one block of rooms purchased for everyone to stay at the same place?
> Things of that nature.  I'm located in Southern California so if there was
> ever going to be a convention in say San Diego, maybe I could help out some.
> Just wanted to throw the info out there in case it might help.  If I lived
> near Canada maybe I could have helped there, sorry.

What we are looking for is a small conference room that will hold
20 - 30 people with the standard set of conference audio/visual
equipment. We will need parking for cars/trucks with trailers as
some PSUBSers may bring their subs. Lunch would be catered in or just
sub sandwiches from SubWay or simular. Duration of the conference
room would be only one day.

Hotel/motel accomodations was to be up to each individual. Same for
arrival and departure arrangements.

>     Please fill me/us in on the status of the logo, I would really
> appreciate it.
> James
