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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Pressurized double or triple layer hull ?? Any idea ?

Hi, Benoit:
        Gee, it's amazing how this pressured layer concept keeps showing
up!  It has been proposed several times in the last couple of years in this
forum alone . . .and dozens of times in 'how about . .' letters/emails to
Nuytco! Seems like a neat idea, but the simple answer is: if you add the
thickness of the hull ' layers' (required to support the staged
pressurization ) the result will be adequate to withstand the final
external pressure without any staged pressurization. No free lunch,
unfortunately.But! (and it's a big 'but') the fact that you're thinking
about it -  and trying figure out ways to solve these sorts of  pressure
problems - indicates that you've yourself found a group that has exactly
the same interests and wont laugh no matter how outlandish the initial idea
- ( Well, with a few exceptions . . .)
Phil Nuytten