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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Question for Jonathan.....

--- Captain Nemo <vulcania@interpac.net> wrote:
<snip> MAJORDOMO <snip>
> How / where does one get such a program?  Is it expensive?

dunno, dunno, dunno, dunno, but a google search should provide answers...

Buuuuuut - if all you want to do is run a new list, there are several free servers which do just
that on the web these days.  http://groups.yahoo.com is one that works well, there are probably
many many competitors.  Also some of the majordomo, listserv, etc etc guys might host it.


"Balee haih-aih ha-hutcha see,  
 Sanana na hutcha heah." 
          - Marvin Gaye

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