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Alec, Hear, hear. Vance

In a message dated Thu, 21 Jun 2001  9:41:44 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Alec Smyth <Asmyth@changepoint.com> writes:

<< I particularly like the font of the "welcome" sentence. However, I would
point out the grammar of the subtitle is incorrect. I currently reads "To
promote and encourage the discussion, designing, building, certifiying,
owning and using Personal Submersibles."

How about "To promote and encourage the discussion, design, construction,
certification, ownership and use of Personal Submersibles" instead?

- Alec

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Wallace [mailto:psml@whoweb.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 9:32 AM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: PSUB Logo

New revision posted 6-21-01 9:25am.  Don't forget to "reload" if your
browser has the old image in cache.  This has the arched "Personal
Submersibles" text in BankGothic MD BT font.  The stencil font didn't
look as sophisticated for the spelled out name so I'm keeping it only
for the domain name.

Regarding other images, don't forget we have to be careful about copyright
infringements.  Some of the suggestions made would require a legal document
granting PSUBS unlimited eternal usage rights.  The current image is at
least paid for already and we can use it anywhere, anytime, without fear
of legal issues in the future.

Do a majority of you approve of this new version?
