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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] auto-darkening welding helmets

Here's my 0.02 worth...

I own both kinds of helmets, regular, and auto-darkening, and have
been doing a lot of welding lately.

It seems that I've tended to lean towards the non-auto helmet more
than the auto-darkening one.  If I'm welding with a lower amperage,
as I move my hands/filler rod, etc, I've had the auto-darkening
flicker between dark and light which is kinda annoying.  But, I'm
doing TIG welding so I can place the torch exactly where I want it,
flip my shade down, then step on the start pedal without having to
do a scratch start as with stick welding.  With scratch starting,
it is definitely nice to have the auto-darkening helmet.  The
helmet darkens instantly, and works very well.

I definitely like having both around.  I use them both, and wouldn't
want to have just one or the other.  
