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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] [PSUBS-MAILIAST] Quote from Captain Nemo

I kinna like this paragraph, from the end of chapter 10, the chapter entitled
"The Man of the Waters" (from the 1993 translation by Miller and Walter):

"The sea is the vast reservoir of nature.  Our globe began with the sea, and
maybe it will end with it.  Here is supreme tranquility!  The sea does not
belong to despots!  Up there on the surface, men can still exercise their
iniquitous claims, fight each other, tear one another to pieces, and
transport their terrestrial horrors.  But thirty feet below the surface,
their reign ceases, their influence is quenched, their power vanishes.  Ah
professor, why not live-LIVE in the bosom of the seas?  Here alone will you
find true independence!  Here I recognize no master!  Here I am free!"

Doug Farrow