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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Subs at the dump

Hi, David:
        Tangentially involved in all dat is cool ?  . . .Boy, I wish !    
Myself and Bob Kirby ( Kirby-Morgan) and Greg Bryant - Disneyland subsea
engineer - were in the 3rd 'Junkyard Wars ' shown Stateside as an 'American
Production' on TLC. It was actually shot in the UK on the same location as
the original 'Scrapheap Challenge' . . .only using an American host        
            ( 'George') instead of the UK guy and American teams,
team-leaders and judge ( err. . .actually, a faux- American in the case of
the judge!) This is the show where both teams had to build a diving helmet
and handpump to go after sunken 'treasure ' in the 20 foot deep shark tank
in a big Aquarium north of London. ( Beeg f@$%&kin' sharks!) I was there
for a little over a weeking shooting this puppy - some 15 hour days,  . .
.lots of fun, tho'     (Gregs team, the "Art Attacks" won)
Phil Nuytten