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I'm just south of Washington DC, and I've benefited enormously from hooking up with another guy in the neighborhood, Greg Cottrell, who is well ahead of me and has completed a successful 3 person sub. He in turn received much advice and encouragement from Frank Busby, who was also local. Unfortunately Frank passed away some years ago. There seems to be a wonderful almost apprentice-like tradition in this small circle of "submadmans". This is fortunate since I suspect none of us amateurs could pay the consulting fees the real experts could command on a commercial venture.
Besides location, a key factor is expertise. For example, I'm a spare-time machinist. Greg is Dr. Acrylic cum laude. There's somebody else local I haven't met who is an electronics pro and is building an ROV. We could use a local welding expert.
I won't have much to show for some months yet, but if I can hook up with anyone else either ahead or behind me on the construction curve, I'm more than willing. In fact that's half the fun.
Alec Smyth
Alexandria, VA
-----Original Message-----
From: Brad Mallard [mailto:bradmallard@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 10:39 AM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Locations

I am relatively new to the group as well, I have dreamed, and calculated until I am blue in the face. I would like to perhaps see someone else's submarine that they have built. The only problem is that I don't know where anyone is from. Is there a way that we could add maybe a section on PSUBS about what general location people are from? I am from the South... close to Birmingham Alabama. I take small trips to Florida every now & then, and I would like to see one, or maybe have lunch with someone before I take a step in the wrong direction while building. What does eveyone else think???



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