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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Saw your white paper on bubble windows for subs...

Hi, Vance:
        Yeah, the Pisces that I wanted you to track down was Pisces 2. It
was stored at a Marina in Riviera Beach for the last couple of years.
Arrived here in first class shape, all the goodies still on it - even the
Birns lights unstolen! Al Trice, one of the builders of this sub, is on our
board of directors at Historical Diving Society -  Canada . . .he will
supervise the restoration - the fibreglass work will be done by George
Hazelton, the guy who made the original skins currently on P2. 32 years . .
. Holy Cow! I still have the shots I took at the original launch!
        Re: the "No Time on Our Side" movie - it proceeds apace. P2 will be
used during the filming and the fees charged will be used to fund the full
museum restoration. Final script is approved, I understand, and they are
looking at filming next year. Guy who is heading this up is Gary Bridges -
Wet Films Inc. here in Vancouver. They did some good interviews with Peter
M. in UK - before his recent move to the big boxing ring in the sky.
Helluva guy, Messervy, I worked closely with him during the North Sea
lock-out sub days in the 70's - then he went to work with us at
Phil Nuytten