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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] wet submersibles

Hi Melinda, 

The Rebikoff subs named : 

Jonah DR 177 (Two Man with bigger forward hydroplanes)
and Jonah DR 325 (One man with wings like hydroplanes)
and Jonah DR 377 (Double Seater with wing like hydroplane)
and Jonah DR 387 (Project four man with forward hydroplane)

fullfill maybe your request. 

They are conventional wet subs with a mixed style of a 
sonar glider plane cockpit and a .. fish. 325 looks like a Orca. 

They are displayed at " Jane's Ocean Technology 1978" page 106,107


Melinda Daugherty schrieb:
> I am conducting research looking for a wet submersible, capable of
> underwater flight. The type I would like to find would be something that
> looks sleek, fast, modern. I am
> familiar with the work Graham Hawkes, the Bionic Dolphin, K-10 Speeder and
> the submersibles of BellAqua. Is anyone aware of any other wet
> submersibles that have a great design? If so, I would appreciate any
> information that you can provide.
> Thank you,
> Mel