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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Thermite and other stuff...

Check out Coors Ceramics.  The have a few ceramics facilites around the
US.  Oak Ridge, TN; Grand Junction, Colorado; Golden, Colorado to name a
few.  They have been in the forefront of the industry for as long as I
can remember.

Richard Gordon wrote:

> Hi guys,            it occured to me that if you were going to run a
> reactor with a steam-turbine that was fuelled by thermite, wouldn't it
> be good if you ran the exhaust gases from the thermite through the
> same turbine that the steam was running through? This would surely
> increase your energy density, which is what it's all about for a PSUB.
> An old turbo-charger would probably make a very suitable turbine for
> these purposes. As always though, someone needs to build one to really
> know what the deal is. Anyone out there feel up to the task? Point 2:
> What's the story with these space-age ceramics we were hearing so much
> about a few years ago. They are probably the best thing in the world
> for submarine hulls (they can be almost as stong as diamond). I'm sure
> they're still very much on the pricey side, but they must be getting a
> bit cheaper by now. Are the materials for their fabrication
> commercially available? I'll look into it further and get back to you
> all, but I would like to know if anyone else has more info on it in
> the meantime. Cheers. Rich

"In times like these, it helps to recall there have always been times
like these."-Paul Harvey