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I believe this is correct, as well. 

As a side note, 'Concepts in Submarine Design' refers to the tendancy of
the airfoiled sail (looking from the top) of larger subs causes them to
tilt when turning. Also, if there were no advantage to airfoil'd
designs, I'd make me wonder why so many dive planes on real subs are
built in a airfoil shape.


Nero Wolfe wrote:
> And as a seccond note :)  Bernuoli's princapal is not dependant on compressable fluids (aka gasses)  It works in all fluids.  airfoils aren't about compressing a liquid.  they are about making the liquid on top of the airfoil move a longer distance (read go faster) than the liquid on the bottom.  Faster moving liquid on top = lower pressure = lift :)