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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Snow White virus

Perhaps  you could explain exactly what your intent is...  DR navigation while submerged with brief surface intervals to update your position via GPS, or continuous submerged electronic navigation?  
The latter can be accomplished by combining (correcting?) the NMEA data from the GPS receiver with acoustic positioning of the receiver relative to the sub.  DR can also be supplemented by inertial 
navigation, although that can be a bit expensive.  What sort of accuracy do you need?


On Thu, 01 Mar 2001 14:42:02 -0500, Michael B. Holt wrote:

>"Sean T. Stevenson" wrote:
>> I think the only way to do this is to float the GPS antenna on the
>> surface, and ping off the float to apply corrections.
>I presume, then, that the signal penetrates no significant distance?
>How hard would it be to update a DR plot with a GPS check, every
>now and then?  I assume there's a package that would do this.