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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Math question:

"Lynn A. Roth" wrote:
> The problem with these shapes is that they aren't really defined...they can
> have different dimensions and curves. Because of this, you get to use
> calculus to figure it out.

Well, where do I start looking for the math?

> If you know the dimensions and the shape of the curve, then it isn't
> extremely hard to figure the volume, but without any actual numbers to
> define the shape, it isn't possible to generalize a formula.
> If you can give some dimensions, we should be able to figure it out.

I have a general shape I'd like to follow, but the dimensions
will change.  The angles, however, will not change.

Defining that "standard torpedo" is not a problem: it's a cylinder
capped by a cone and a hemisphere.  it's the paraboloids
that cause all sorts of problems.

You know, I bet this is buried somewhere in the airship stuff I
collected long ago.  Airships were the model for the ALBACORE.

