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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Convention was : Kittredge plans

VBra676539@aol.com schrieb:
> I have a soft head for beautiful German girls--of which there are many--your
> Sabine being one. On second thought, it is not absolutely necessary that you
> come to Vancouver with her. She could take submarine pictures for you and
> have a nice visit with Phil--and you can stay in Germany and get some much
> needed work done on the big submarine. Doesn't this make more sense than
> spending extra money on two airline tickets? 

> I only suggest this for your benefit, of course.
> Vance

I know, but I don't like to stay alone - so send Emma during this time
and I can show here some of our diving lakes. 
(And I have the insureance that you send Sabine back..)

Which big submarine ? 
