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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Kittredge plans

Kidding aside, I believe what this group really needs is some direction.
Many are not submariners but wish they were and hope to be some day. It
is a life-long dream for many. I was fortunate and am a qualified

It would be wonderful if one could provide a set of plans with all
instructions simple enough that a 14-year old could follow. Parts easily
available from anywhere in the country. Systems that are safe (as
designed and on the plans) and economical to a person who could afford a
good used car. Accessories could make the boat more desirable and of
course, more expensive for those with a few more bucks - and guts.

Now I suppose the product liability aspect would be the biggest hurdle
to get over even with a signed hold-harmless letter in hand. It could
actually be a club. Club members could purchase the necessary equipment
or parts required from the club purchasing chairman and pay the
treasurer. I suppose ther might have to be a minimum dues just to get
things going; kind of a snorkel kick-start.

Many of us are either lazy or not knowledgable of where to search for
the necessary equipment or what size, capacity, specs, material, etc. to
work with. I am impressed with the knowledge some folks on this list
actually have on various subjectmatter. Perhaps they could be mentors or
committee chairmen.

There could be a small number of variations. First, wet subs. Then dry
subs. Then various degree by number of passengers and/or operational

I wonder if any of these bankrupt submarine manufacturers would be
willing to share some of their assets (those which the courts haven't
gobbled up.) Perhaps plans, resources of equipment, suppliers, etc.

Am I just another one of you dreamers reading text every day on this
list or do we have something viable as a group and just need the glue to
hold it together and make it work?

I like Vance's idea as a start. We could even break it all up into
fragmented groups. For example: Group one builds the ballast systems;
Group two builds the Nav/electronics systems; Group three builds the
hulls; Group four builds the propulsion systems, etc. That way, everyone
in their own group would be an expert on that area of development. This
would be better than each of us trying to be our own expert is each and
every system. We probably will never get our boat wet that way.

I'm looking for additional positive ideas. What can you contribute to
this thread?

Best of luck to all of you in 2001 and an eventual smooth sailing.

Ed Greany, STS-2(SS)
USS WIll Rogers (SSNB-659) Gold

Dan H. wrote:
> Good to hear Vance!   I think K-sub plans are in good hands with you.
> Congrats!!!
> Dan H.
> VBra676539@aol.com wrote:
> > To one and all:
> >
> > I am pleased to announce that I will be able to supply
> > plans for all of Captain Kittredge's subs. I know that
> > I am already on the list as a resource, but until now
> > I have only been able to reference queries to the boss
> > or to the other two outlets for plans.
> >
> > The plans will be sold at the old price of $1.00 (one
> > dollar) per foot of depth.
> >
> > Maybe it is time to start a web page. I'll have to
> > figure out how, first. Be patient, please.
> >
> > Best Regards and a Happy New Year to all,
> > Vance Bradley