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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] E-Bay fish-painted sub (was: Aqua Sub)


The guy just pulled his auction less than one hour before the close of
the auction. Seems like he forgot to include the reserve. Probably
didn't notice that until he saw the high bid of only $1100 whereby it
was over $2000 previously like you mentioned. I was a bidder on it and
eBay sent me a message my bid was yanked. Went to find out why. You can
see it by going to "Bid History" after going to the below website.

Ed Greany

Gregc02@ibm.net wrote:
> I emailed the owner (I can't find the repy at the moment0 and he said that he'd had the top hatch
> section fabricated when he got it because it was missing. If I was going to rebuild it I'd set up the
> upper section to look sort of like a WWII "greenhouse" canopy like a T6 trainer. It went to a little
> over $2,000 the last time and even at that I'd have to tow it home to Minnesota (1200 miles). It
> would be pretty cool with the paint job and all, but I'd have $3,500 in it, including the trailer;
> probably more than I wanted to spend. A friend is driving up here next spring from Ocala, so that
> might be a near zero cost option. There is a picture on the current listing as it was when it was a
> sub.
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=534478276
> Greg