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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Aluminum subs

I'd be grateful. I've seen a couple small treatments of aluminum boatbuilding,
but all my aluminum experience is in aircraft sheet metal and all my
boatbuilding has been with wood, so welded pressure vessels is foreign

One thing I wonder about is the possibility of welding an aluminum hull in the
T-0 state and then heat treating the finished hull- 6061 doesn't require such a
 high temperature that it couldn't be done ad lib.   Is anyone building
aluminum hulls with post construction heat treatment?

Craig Wall 
---------- Original Text ----------

From: <VBra676539@aol.com>, on 12/1/00 6:25 AM:
To: Incognito2@CTC@SwRI26[<personal_submersibles@psubs.org>]

It's worth a look. The stuff fabricates dead easy, cuts with hand tools, welds
fearsome quick and so on. There is an excellent book on forming and fabricating
 aluminum jet boats, which has all the shop tricks you can think of and some
you probably haven't. Author's name is Pollock. I'll have to look for it when I
 get home and will get the title for you. It's worth the price of admission
just for the hints on fabrication and welding.