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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Liquid Ventilation

>   Under pressure, things get better.   It may be possible for deep divers to
> use something like this....but the transition on and off seem likely to be,
> well....problematic.

    I just about gagged when they 'drown' the hard hat diver in "The
Abyss" in the liquid breathing medium.   It would take a determined person
to go through that concious, although perhaps the sensation wouldn't be
all that bad once the novelty wore off.  :-)

>   Who knows? It bears watching, but IMHO- don't get your hopes up. 

    It sounds like a lot of obstacles to overcome...for an off-the-shelf
human.  :-)   Perhaps some sort of synthetic lung...a bypass machine?
Replace the lungs with something more structurally suited to fluid/fluid
gas exchange and feed that with oxygenated and CO2 scrubbed fluid from an
external pack....    OK, that's pretty radical to go diving...but can you
imagine a casual dive without a sub to, say, 3,000 feet, then coming back
without decompression?    I wouldn't be surprised if you found some
saturation divers that were game...but of course, they're insane to begin
with.  :-)