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Karl, my address is:

Craig Wall
614 E. Park Ave
San Antonio, TX 78228

but I can be found most of the time in Hondo, Texas at the airport in a hangar
at the north end of the flightline.

I know you're safely installed in NZ, but I don't hide from anyone, and it's
typical of internet twits to claim someone that offends them is "hiding behind
a screen and wouldn't say that to their face".

Well, that's an easy assertion.  Send a friend.  I'll do you by proxy.

The challange was a serious one, and your lame projections aside, I've overcome
 the issue as you will see in a week if someone doesn't take my money sooner. 
It was the first order problem that was of interest; the solution is trivial
but the design changes it allows are a breakthrough in the sense that it let me
 solve another logistical/structural problem at the same time.  I did not say
it was a breakthrough for anyone or anything else, just that it relieved a
design bottleneck for me on this one concept. It was offered in the spirit of a
 technical endeavor, but if you'd rather square off, be my guest.  Maybe
someday we WILL meet. 

One can only hope, right?

Craig Wall