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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] What's goin' down?

> Captain Nemo schrieb:
> Hi guys!
> The boards have been quiet for a while, so I'm sending this to make
> sure it's still working.  Now, what to talk about?
> And Carsten, I'm sure you're hard at work too.  If I ever get around
> to attempting a sub as big as the CSSX-1, the next tools I'll add to
> my equipment list is a forklift, and maybe a crane! Really!  They
> would make things a lot easier!  How's your new boat coming along, by
> the way?
> Very best regards,
> Pat

Hi Pat, just four minutes before I send Ray a update with four pictures. 
I am sure the will make you crazy and Karl also.. 

Regards, Carsten - was little ill last week - get an small iron spark
into one eye and need some medicinal aid - so stoped work for one week 
and read and response some email.. with the other eye. 
But now everthing is in best running order and I am back to the 
workshop to build the side-rudder of section II.