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-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Nuytten <72020.572@compuserve.com>
To: INTERNET:personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Date: Saturday, September 16, 2000 12:27 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] KEN MARTINDALE (was Big Motor..)

>Hi, Pat!
>        Re using stuff out of Frank Busby's 'Manned Submersibles' - sure,
>of course, by all means ! I would have no hesitation. That's what Frank
>wrote it for! ( That and the few bucks he made from it, and - believe me -
>they were very few!)

Here again you bring up "bucks" as in money.  Why the overwhelming obsession
with money?  Are you concerned with Andy's welfare?

>Copy whatever size chunks are relevant to what you
>want to do. No-one would be happier than Busby to see his stuff being put
>to good use. I do think, though, that the wholesale copying of some-ones
>else's work, in its entirety, w,ithout their permission, or the
>authozisation of the right-holder, is not just illegal - it is a wrong
>thing to do, and shows complete disregard for the effort the guy put into
>it in the first place.

Wrong!  For hopefully the last time, it is not illegal.  "Manned
Submersibles" is public domain and freely distributable.  Jeez, how many
times do I have to say it?  Now you want to reduce it to a moral issue.  I
guess I'am going to go to Hell if I copy the blame book.  Look, it is very
simple, so very very simple.  Anyone can copy the book!!  No worries legal
or otherwises!!  Just do not attempt to sell it!!  OK?

>To my mind, this is exactly the same as the idea of
>simply copying George Kitteridge's plans so some-one can save a few bucks
>at Kitteridge's expense - we went all through that one and, if memory
>serves, it seems to me that the concensus was 'bad Karma' . The guiding
>principal, IMHO, should be one of "would I want any-one to take something
>that belongs to me, without my permission ?"

Again, you bring up the issue of "bucks"(money).  And as usual you bring up
Kitteridge.  And then you attempt to shift the issue to a superstitious
nature by mentioning "bad karma".  This strategy only works in primitive
societies.  Regroup and come up with another plan.

>you may surmise, as Dave does, that the copyright belongs to the USN - but
the one thing that you
>don't have to surmise about is that it does not belong to you!

OK!  It does not belong to me!...alright?  Still, I can put together a '56
Panhead and ride it to Sturgis and beyond with no guilt from borrowing ideas
from others.  Same thing holds true for PSUBS.  We are talking Personal use,
not Commercial use damnit!  Why don't you get your self squared away Dude.
You seem awfully paranoid.  You got somethimg to hide?

>Phil Nuytten