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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Who owns the copyright to Busby's book?

Hey, Guys:
        Some-one mentioned  ( in an earlier post ) that ' Busby's  book was
in the public domain' . . . which of Frank's books are being referred to -
' Underwater Vehicle Directory' ( various vintages), or ' Manned
Submersibles' ?? I'm not  aware that any of these are ' in the public
domain' -  Frank had an on-going ( although sometimes erratic) contract to
produce the directories but Busby Associates Inc. retained all commercial
rights.  Frank's son, Andy, is heir to Busby Associates Inc.  and the
estate assets include all intellectual rights.  The 'Busby'  directory was
produced after Frank's untimely death, by  two men who cut a deal with the
        I believe it would be prudent to check with the rightful owners of
the publishing rights before embarking  on a ' Submarine Napster' project.
It would be nice to see 'Manned Submersibles' available again, though. It
was ( and is) a real common-sense approach to building, certifying, and
operating subs. Frank was one of the really great characters in a biz full
of 'characters' . . we had an inordinate amount of fun and not a few
adventures together, over the years.   I miss him a lot
Phil Nuytten