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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Unconventional UW Propulsion YIKES!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Suds" <paul_suds@hotmail.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Unconventional UW Propulsion YIKES!

Hey Suds,

A couple Q's about VORTEX COMBUSTION:

1. Does this work like a jet, providing steam as thrust for direct vehicle
drive; and / or can it be used to power a steam turbine which drives a prop?

2. Does this process use a lot of aluminum powder, or a little?  (I'm
wondering about fuel efficiency, storage tank capacity, cost per mile, etc.)

3. Is aluminum powder something I can buy inexpensively?

4. Is aluminum powder something I can make by grinding down aluminum stock,
or is the stuff used in VC more refined?

5. Is the machine which makes this work (the VORTEX COMBUSTION "engine"
itself) something I can make in a modestly equipped shop?  (Is it a simple
tube and combustor like a ramjet; or does it require precise machining like
a turbine does?)

Perspiring minds want to know...well, one of 'em does, anyway!   ;-)

(Now, some of you might be thinking: "There goes crazy ol' Pat again:
wanting to climb inside a cramped compartment with a potential bomb."  But
wait!  What's to stop anyone from mounting something like this externally
from the pressure hull on sruts that keep it at a relatively safe distance?
If this thing will work, there are probably ways it can be adapted to a sub
with reasonable safety, no?  I mean, I don't actually have to be in the same
room with the beast: I can always set it up "next door", so to speak.

I get the feeling VORTEX COMBUSTION is like "Tom Swift and his Underwater
Jet Plane".  Hmmmmm....I can see it now...Warp Factor Nine in fifty foot
visibility....is that a pier piling?  Not even enough time to say "OH SH..!"
before the big whammo and the final surprise!  But still, as a propulsion
source, it's an interesting idea.  I mean, we wouldn't actually have to run
it flat-out all the time, would we?  Mightn't this be a useful source of
propulsion at slower speeds and higher economy settings?

Howsabout some more info, Sudsy?

