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Ceramatek, http://www.ceramatek.com makes a nice inexpensive O2 
sensor...I think I paid about $65 for the one I use to mix nitrox and 


>We used Beckman Industries 02 sensors for years and years. Since then, a 
>bunch of new people have come on the market. We use two different 
>manufacturers at work (for confined space entries and the like) and I borrow 
>one from time to time. I will get the names and addresses and post back to 
>As to 02 distribution, why not stop by your friendly neighborhood medical 
>supply house and talk to them about an oxygen regulator and flowmeter. Try .5 
>lpm per person or a little less and watch the 02 meter (you know, that brand 
>new one you just bought instead of making a house payment). I think for light 
>work we ran just under the one lpm mark for two peopel.\
>And wash that sock before you put it back on. You can make a nice little 
>baralyme scrubber out of pvc or plexiglas (it's nice to be able to watch the 
>color change) and stack a couple of pancake fans for recirc. Grace Chemicals 
>will even sell you hospital sized doses in prepackaged containers with tear 
>off seals over perforated flats. Too expensive for me, but I hear all you 
>people in Hawaii live on the beach, have cattle ranches and drive Ferraris so 
>maybe you can afford it.
>Best Regards,

Alan D. Secor
e-mail: secor@btv.ibm.com