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 ""Rachel on the town on Friday.  Saturday with Claudia.  And for Tuesday Kumi
"" -  Now I know why you're for animal rights - YOU ARE AN ANIMAL!!

I'll be nearby in Purcellville, VA with my wife's family reunion, probably
barbecue up some animals, although you'll be glad to know my doctor has informed
me to cut back on fatty foods - pesky cholesterol count.  That ought to save a
cow or two over the next few years.

Have fun in DC anyway Suds.


SJSVOB@aol.com on

Please respond to personal_submersibles@psubs.org

To:   personal_submersibles@psubs.org
cc:    (bcc: Dan J. Rice/EST/Sherwin-Williams)

Subject:  Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Fun in DC

Well I'm totally embarassed.  My email is acting very strange.  That message was
NOT supposed to go to the PSUB group.
