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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Onboard compressor?

If your surface-compressor is electric driven it will 
be easier and not so noisey and with a better efficiency
if you use a seawater-pump from a motorboats engine cooling system 
instad to drain the tanks on the surface. 

If your compressor is diesel-engine driven (by a belt)
it will be easier to use the diesel fummel itself to
blow out the tanks instead. The Spurdog 20m Submarine use the diesel
exaust also underwater to surface.. it use the air inside the
sub and if the barometic indicator turns 8 times reverse 
(or so..told the owner) it surfaced.. Problem is - you 
can not talk in the submarine during this time because the air 
pressure is so low.. and this sub breaks any saftey rules
with this process. But the SEEHUND midget in WWII use the same
process to safe pressure air. 

Also you can pump a small amout of H2OS over a catalyst to the 
dive tanks... It will produce a large amout of hot steam and 
after surfacing you can compress the oxygen in the divetanks with a 
compressor to you live support O2 bottle, or use it to drive your diesel 
engine underwater - and sometimes I make jokes. 

But back to the rules: 
>From the (Germanischer Lloyd) saftey rules for submarines/submersibles: 
Free translation by me..

"If you use air to blow the trim- regular- or divetanks you must storage
a air-support at minimum to blow out the divetanks on the surface 4
a-n-d the regulator tanks at maximum working deep 3 times. This amount
of air should be not use for other items. It must dived in minimum two 
undepend units (bottles)." 

This rule make sense for me and I will use it 
in my next sub. So you need pressure air tanks. 

Another good point: A compressor can have a failture easily -
but a pressure bottle ? 


S W schrieb:
> Just a note.. I did check out the concentrations of
> H202 at my work and they are a 30% solution. An old
> Organic Chemistry book I have confirmed that the pure
> stuff is VERY reactive. Hmmm... I was wondering about
> the feasibility of using a small compressor on the
> surface to refill air tanks, if nothing else only to
> be used to blow ballast tanks. Has anyone done this or
> pondered the idea?
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