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[PSUBS-MAILIST] New Machinery

Okay, everybody congratulate me. We've finally gotten a new computer -- much later than expected, but at last. It's a brand-spankin'-new G3 PowerBook. It's nuts, after spending so long stretching out the usability of 8-plus-year-old hardware, to have all this slick newness. Golly! (we've been using a black-and-white PowerBook 170 for most everything for about five years... figure we're entitled to an expensive upgrade by now?)

Anyway, we got a cute little USB scanner too, so soon I'll be able to get around to the various things I've mentioned I would scan and upload, and I can actually manipulate graphics without juggling and tweaking, and so on. Stand by.

Osage MN USA
buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner