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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Hydrogen Peroxide


Liquid oxygen was used successfully aboard the Ben Franklin during its tour 
of duty with Grumman. The Gulf Stream drift mission lasted 30 days, so O2 
storage was critical. The Franklin is for sale as we speak, for all you big 
hull dreamers, and it is for sale in an intense way as the storage facility 
has demanded it be removed. You can read about the sub in Piccard's book, Sun 
Beneath the Sea (evocative, eh?) and you can get info on the sub itself 
through Silvercrest. It could be had for a song -- relatively speaking. Big 
as a houseboat and dive ready to 2000 feet. But man, what a trailer. She 
weighs 150 tons as I recall.

And NASA uses cryogenic storage all the time on the Orbiters, and whatnot. 
Surely there is a way to tap all that government data. That, coupled to all 
the medical uses should open a few doorways in the information highway for 
those interested.

I'd say it was all a matter of general interest, rather than practical. 
Unless you have the bucks to go long submerged, like the man said, why 
bother? O2 is cheap at your local weld shop. Swap your bottles and have at 
it. Medical oxygen has a higher moisture content, but the purity of medical 
versus industrial is the same, and the weld shop will be cheaper.
