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Yeah, there were plenty of good special effects and action, but I guess what
spoiled it for me was knowing the historical facts surrounding the
acquisition of the enigma.  The movie "Saving Private Ryan" was in keeping
with the historical events that took place as we know it during and after
the D-Day invasion.  Not so with U-571.  Something just seems wrong with
creating a fictional plot that ignores historical fact.  On the flipside
though, not everyone is aware of  the real capture of the enigma and so
there is quite a bit of utility available in that respect.  Oh well, maybe
I'm just being too critical.
I agree with Gary though.  Das Boot has got to be the best sub movie to
You know what? As long as a fictional plot was going to be used in U-571,
they should have developed a really good plot.  For instance, how about
using a captured U-boat to infiltrate a German held port and wreak all sorts
of havoc.  Maybe the V-2 factory and launch site would be a good objective.
Perhaps a good plot might include kidnapping or assassinating a high-ranking
party thug before Newt Gingrich gets a chance to use him for a mentor years
Big Dave
-----Original Message-----
From: VBra676539@aol.com <VBra676539@aol.com>
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Date: Sunday, April 30, 2000 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] U-571

>Wow! I went to see U-571 last week and thought I enjoyed it. It seemed like
I ate a whole bag of popcorn and had a pretty good time watching the movie.
Lots of action and good sets and FX. Or so I thought. I musta been