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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Upgrades

Thanks Dave for the review.  I had it on my to do list, but no more.
Sincerely, Greg
----- Original Message -----
From: D. Blake
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2000 3:09 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Upgrades

Hi All:
Just went and seen U-571 with a buddy I work with.  Don't bother going to see it guys.  Wait till it comes out on video.  It reminds me of "The Thin Red Line" that came out on the heels of "Saving Private Ryan".  Private Ryan had an ongoing plot with the accompaning emotional scenes of joking, crying, and reminiscing with strategic interruptions of hellish violence that seemed to occur naturally and expected.  "The Thin Red Line" had no plot.  It was as if someone said, "hey, let's make a WW2 movie in a WW2 setting with lots of emotional scenes".  Thing is, they forgot to add a plot to carry it along!
U-571 unfortunantly seems to have suffered the same fate.  "Hey, let's make a submarine movie with all the accompaning emotional and heroic aspects, except let's forget about a good plot. Hell, the fact that Jon Bon Jovi is in it should be reason enough for people to come out in droves to see it". 
Oh what a disappointment.  And to think I interrupted a perfectly good weekend drinking binge at 12:30PM Sat. afterhangover to see this.  A group of us could have done just as good a job with a few camcorders inside the U-boat at the Chicago Center of Science and Industry with Carston in the place of Jon B. Jovi (no offense intended Carsten) along with LightWave software.
Still, they did manage to bring the Type-VIIC back to life which was very satisfying.
Wait till it comes out on video,
Big Dave